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Gymnastics and Trampolining with Everyone Active

Gymnastics is made up of several disciplines, including artistic, rhythmic, aerobic, acrobatic and freestyle, as well as trampolining, double mini trampolining, cheerleading, tumbling and team gym.

Practicing gymnastics-based activities regularly not only improves physical fitness, stamina, flexibility and strength, but also teaches the importance of hard work, perseverance and determination and is the basis for almost every sport and activity you can imagine. For this reason it is a particularly good sport for our younger customers to get into.

Many of our leisure centres offer a gymnastics and/or trampolining scheme where participants can work towards badges and certificates with fully qualified coaches leading the way. Many will also have links with local clubs for those little stars who want to move onto the competitive side of the sport and be the next Max Whitlock or Beth Tweddle. To find your nearest centre, click here.

For more information about gymnastics and trampolining, visit the British Gymnastics website.