
Wellness Gym Membership | YOU+ ULTIMATE

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur convallis sodales metus eget auctor. Mauris consectetur vel velit quis lacinia. Aliquam a dolor sit amet augue posuere vestibulum. Curabitur nec massa et est aliquam condimentum id dictum massa. Sed eu metus vel turpis accumsan tincidunt at ut ipsum. Maecenas mollis elementum sodales. Donec vestibulum neque sed suscipit pretium. Sed vel euismod magna, et pulvinar metus. Pellentesque ac eleifend dui.

Pellentesque aliquam gravida neque sit amet eleifend. Quisque at odio aliquam sapien fermentum venenatis eget sed diam. Sed gravida diam metus, sit amet rhoncus nibh congue vel. Nulla ultrices dolor at orci aliquam, et placerat augue gravida. Mauris vitae quam rhoncus, varius est non, blandit magna. Nam sagittis nulla non libero rhoncus consequat vel ac mauris. Curabitur eget ipsum lobortis, aliquet ligula condimentum, ornare turpis. Vestibulum sagittis ex vitae leo sollicitudin vulputate. Duis lacinia tristique mi, vitae convallis mauris semper id. Duis auctor magna erat, vel eleifend diam sollicitudin eu. Phasellus vitae ex metus. Aenean eget felis viverra, tincidunt risus in, malesuada orci. Morbi ipsum turpis, vehicula at consequat ullamcorper, viverra pretium ex.

Integer finibus diam sed orci porttitor congue. Quisque luctus est quis risus convallis mollis. Aliquam massa justo, maximus sed ipsum nec, viverra rutrum tellus. Praesent auctor molestie ultrices. Morbi accumsan a leo eget fringilla. Curabitur finibus tincidunt urna. Quisque et luctus dui, et rhoncus enim.

Why Join On A Wellness Gym Membership | YOU+ ULTIMATE

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean tellus arcu, bibendum nec ex et, rutrum pulvinar lacus. Maecenas nec justo odio. Integer ac tincidunt neque, sit amet iaculis elit. Nullam a malesuada neque, id congue sem. Nulla ante quam, viverra et massa fermentum, porta volutpat augue. Donec turpis eros, consectetur nec malesuada a, ultricies non urna. Suspendisse varius enim at metus feugiat, vitae maximus dolor pellentesque. Curabitur porta blandit nulla, et mollis diam suscipit nec. Ut non augue augue. Donec nec tempus diam, quis maximus nibh. Sed auctor quam molestie, auctor quam eu, molestie dui. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed a iaculis justo, ut consequat nunc. Ut ultrices malesuada vehicula. Nam scelerisque lacus at feugiat consequat. Phasellus suscipit ac felis a finibus.

You’ll be able to access all the benefits of our Wellness membership via our exclusive Wellness member area on the free Everyone Active App.


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Perks | Health Hero | Personal Training | Guest Passes
Everyone On Demand | 14 Day Priority Booking

Not only will you benefit from use of gym, group fitness classes and swimming at the centre of your choice, as well as all other Everyone Active centres priced the same or less, but YOU+ ULTIMATE members also benefit from:


Perks +
Get access to over 120 incredible perks and enjoy huge savings on the brands you know and love. These include exclusive discounts on nutrition, active wear, equipment, lifestyle, and holiday brands, plus many more. From the finest supplements and activewear to equipment, fashion and even your phone contract, as a Wellness member you’ll never have to pay full price again! All perks are exclusively available via the Everyone Active app.

Health Hero

Health Hero
We’ve teamed up with Health Hero to offer all of our Wellness members access to a Virtual GP Service, you’ll receive, quick, convenient access to practising GPs. Our Virtual GP Service is available for video and phone consultations from 8am to 10pm, seven days a week. That means you receive advice, reassurance and, where appropriate, medication when you need it most. By booking through our web app, in mere minutes you can choose a time and day that suits you, whether to have a video or phone appointment, and to speak to a male or female doctor if you have a preference.

Personal Training

Personal Training
Benefit from a personal training session every three months as part of your Wellness membership. Your Personal Trainer will devise a bespoke training plan to help you reach your fitness goals and will be on hand to make sure you get the most out of every work out. They’ll help you do the right exercises, using the correct equipment and using each piece of kit in the most efficient and effective way possible. All this means you’re much more likely to see the results you crave which, in turn, will help keep you motivated. This will, in turn, help you stay on track to achieve those goals.

Guest Passes

Guest Passes
As a valued Wellness member you’ll receive two guest passes sent straight to your inbox monthly. These guest passes can be used by family members and friends where they can try out our state-of-the-art gyms, group fitness classes or swimming pools.

Everyone On Demand

Everyone On Demand
Everyone On Demand gives you access to the widest range of fitness and wellness partners on the market. From fitness and personal training to mental wellbeing and prescribed exercise, there’s a service or session to support everyone, no matter how you feel, every day of the week. Our hand-picked partners create a 360-degree solution, supporting you both in and out of the gym.

14 Day Priority Booking

14 Day Advance Booking
Along with all the other fantastic benefits of being an Everyone Active Wellness member, you also get 14-day priority booking. This allows you to book all your classes, swim sessions or whatever else you may wish to enjoy at your Everyone Active centre up to 14 days ahead of when you want to take part in the activity and seven days in advance of non-wellness members. This gives you more chance to get into the classes you want and allows you to fit your fitness regime around your life – not the other way around.