
Climbing Risk Form

Everyone Active will try and minimise risks by providing a well-managed environment, qualified staff, appropriate equipment and briefings to participants.

Climbing best practise is to always check fellow climber’s safety equipment before climbing, ensure pockets are emptied of all contents, and to listen to briefings and instructions given by coaches.

Feel free to question any instructions given before acting upon them.


You and/or your child will be taking part in a sport that has an increased degree of danger attached.

Everyone Active would like to explain the risks in a little more detail:

Although instructors will try and actively encourage all participants to join in with climbing activities, it is the individual’s choice to participate. This will always be respected.

Minor injuries such as cuts, grazes, bumps, bruises, sprains and strains may be encountered due to impact with the climbing wall or falls could occur at a low level on to the flooring.

The following activities are undertaken as part of a climbing session:

Warming up, cooling down and related activities:

At ground or just off ground activities that may be physically demanding with static, slow, or rapid movements) 

There are many options here for instructors and participants. As with any of the climbing activities there are risks of injury.


Side-ways climbing with feet no more than 1 metre above rubber crumb protective flooring 

Instructors offer guidance but cannot prevent falls onto the protective flooring; any fall has the chance of injury. Instructors will provide safety guidance on minimising risks of participation before each session.

Top-rope climbing:

Rope secured above, climbing and above 5 metres. 

This is rope protected climbing, ropes are stretchy in an attempt to minimise the forces of falls into harnesses and onto others who are belaying, (belaying is the act of controlling the climbers rope whilst they climb and lower back down, and holding falls).

Bouldering Risks:

Un-roped climbing above impact matting up to about 4.5 metres high.

Instructors offer guidance but cannot prevent falls onto the matting; any fall has the chance of injury. Instructors will promote climbing down rather than jumping and provide safety guidance on minimising the risks of participation before each session.

Lead Climbing:

(These risks are only relevant for those on performance sessions, lead courses or NICAS L4 or L5 or in a squad)

Lead climbing poses significantly more risk of injury than top-rope climbing.  Falls can result in body impacts or ground falls; the safety systems to develop climbers and belayers to appropriate levels to understand the safety and activity itself are tightly controlled.

Autobelays and autobelay parks:

These devices allow climbers to be brought down to the ground safely. However, usage can result in cuts, grazes, bumps, bruises, sprains and strains. When using these machines please make sure you are not wearing a helmet. To descend safely please make sure you keep your feet facing the wall and walk down backwards. For your own safety please double check your attachment point and that the device is retracting before each climb. In the case of an instructed session please only leave the ground when the instructor has given you permission to do so.

General risks:

A Climbing area is often unfamiliar to many people and there are risks you may have not considered before entering this arena, please find below some of the more common climbing risks to be aware of before taking part in the activity.

  • The holds/grips on the wall may spin resulting in an unexpected fall.
  • All participants should ensure pockets are empty to avoid objects falling from height.
  • We ask all participants to not stand, or climb, underneath people that are climbing.
  • Climbing is an equipment intensive activity and as such please always use personal protective equipment as it was intended. Please follow instructor’s guidance on how to use if you are unsure.

N.B: Please be aware that any skills learned within Everyone Active Climbing sites may or may not be useful/safe for use at other venues: we recommend further training to orientate learned skills to other environments.